Thanks for the kind words guys.
Now I'm gonna go and pick up my car :-p
i still remember that feeling.
thank god it's gone for good.
i used to be part of us witnesses.
Thanks for the kind words guys.
Now I'm gonna go and pick up my car :-p
i still remember that feeling.
thank god it's gone for good.
i used to be part of us witnesses.
I still remember that feeling
Thank God it's gone for good
I used to be part of US Witnesses
Fighting against evil
Set apart from THEM worldy people.
My journey into reality began just shortly after I started at a new employer
Then, at a table in a restaurant I looked at my colleagues and realized
There was no longer an artificial divide
They were no longer THEM
And I was no longer part of US.
Tonight there was a reunion of my previous workplace
People who don't know I'm not a Witness anymore
Looking around I realized for the first time (again)
They are human just as much
And just as worthy
And just as nice
As I had believed only US to be
The divide was gone.
After dinner few continued the party in town
I joined them without hesitation
Went into a casino
'You don't gamble do you?'
Played 10 bucks for fun
And did not miss that awful feeling
Left the car where it was
Reason may be obvious ;-)
Walking home
Past people partying
Passed the place I had my first work Christmas dinner
Passed the Kingdom Hall
Looking back with no regrets
No remorse
No anger
No feelings whatsoever
Traced my steps from many a meeting
Hall to home with lovely wife
Hoping one day she will join me
Without her thinking I am one of THEM
Without that artificial divide between her and me.
Circuit assembly in a couple of hours
Not for me though
No thank you sir
Just my wife and her parents
And all my late friends
All of US
Btw not that it matters but I won 10 bucks ;-)
And in case you didn't notice I had a couple of beers and I'm not really a famous poet (but I could have fooled you guys, right?)
anybody have any ideas where they are going with the "new light" they have been pushing last week and this week?
for instance in this weeks study article one section reads:.
in years gone by, we believed that jehovah became displeased with his people because they did not have a zealous share in the preaching work during world war i. we concluded that for this reason, jehovah allowed babylon the great to take them captive for a short time.
I think the scripture mentioning "the two witnesses, who were killed, and then miraculously come back to life" (not an exact quote) was supposed to have fit into 1914-1919.
By now I wouldn't even be surprised if they say JW didn't preach = 2 dead witnesses fulfilled and at the same time claim they did preach = not in Babylonian captivity.
As long as the two contradicting statements are not in the same paragraph the dubs won't notice anyway...
anybody have any ideas where they are going with the "new light" they have been pushing last week and this week?
for instance in this weeks study article one section reads:.
in years gone by, we believed that jehovah became displeased with his people because they did not have a zealous share in the preaching work during world war i. we concluded that for this reason, jehovah allowed babylon the great to take them captive for a short time.
I can somewhat understand the logic of coming to 'a new understanding' sometimes. But this is plainly rewriting history.
So did they preach or not? Is the new evidence made up, or the old evidence?
How is it even possible that they get new information about their own history, especially now that everyone who actually had first hand experience is dead?
my wife and i were talking about how religions claim to be directed by god, yet god never seemed to let any of them know about the danger of sexual predatora to children.
the it hit me, does the bible say anything on the subject?
is there a thou shalt not diddle kids scripture?
Apparently king Ahaz was less than 12 years old when he became father of Hezekiah.
Maybe that tells us something about the ancient customs regarding sex and children?
Watchtower doesn't seem to view it as problematic.
i am a fan of a video came called simcity and other building games like cities skylines and the such also legend of grimrock.
anyway, as i watch others plays these games on youtube i have noticed that there are some pretty intelligent people out there.
how others can solve the puzzles way better than i can on legend of grimrock and how they can build cities in ways that i had not thought of at all.
I think the current GB are not so smart at all. They are like spoiled heirs squandering away the fortune their (grand)parents Russell, Rutherford and Knorr amassed by being smart.
Yet even these guys....Look it may be smart to make money of off gullible people. But being só gullible that you even believe your own fairy tales...that's an incredible level of stupid.
As drug dealers say: Never use your own product ;-)
Edit: I think all smart stuff in JW land (like the different money grabs) were not dreamt up by the GB, but by the lawyers. Possibly not even JW but worldy sharks.
i am wondering if anyone is aware of a book or series of videos designed to explain evolution to creationists, (specifically the jw strain of creationism if possible) without being patronizing or overly confrontational.
i would like to have something to recommend to people who challenge evolution, but i know that the sources which convinced me would turn most of them off because of the confrontational and at times condescending tone in which it's presented.. some examples of what i'm looking for would be someone who doesn't claim evolution is a fact until after they have presented all of the evidence that makes it a fact and also have addressed as many counter-arguments as possible..
I liked Evolution for Dummies.
we all know that one of the major advantages the society now has with everything being on its official website, is the ability to quickly change content when they desire.. so older articles that show them to have made mistakes, are simply re-written or edited...or even just deleted!
"nothing to see here...carry on".
That's because JW are an irrelevant fringe sect. Why should other people even bother?
For a JW, JW are the center of the universe. In a JW mind, religious leaders and heads of state alike are discussing JW activity on a daily basis.
In reality, almost nobody knows them. Those who do, don't know anything beyond 'no Christmas' or 'no blood'. Which also sadly means they don't know the real nature of this cult.
How different would the world be without JW? Not at all (apart from some tens of thousands of families having different relations as most of us experience personally).
so the other day someone asked me what use was it to make the list of countries in which there have been reports.... well... to know that, as far as i can tell, there has never been preaching done in oman.. it has never appeared in any report, and the reports go back to 1926!.
all other countries and lands have appeared, but not oman.. so there... first useful fact about the watchtower that we can get from 90 years of data..
You checked for Masqat or Maskat as well? (I guess so)
in another topic changes in the nwt, one of the correspondents posted that.
concerning the comma in luke 23:43, some interesting comments.. .
to summarize what was stated at this website, the translator selected a translation for luke 23:43. .
I just noticed that in Watchtowers own interlinear translation the Greek text contains a comma...guess where?
Right after 'I say'....
καὶ εἶπεν αὐτῷ ᾿Αμήν σοιto λέγω, σήμερονtoday μετ’ ἐμοῦme ἔσῃ ἐνin τῷ παραδείσῳ.